
The Third Person of the Trinity: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics is unavailable, but you can change that!

Recent decades have witnessed increased attention on the Holy Spirit, recognizing it as a critical component in Christian thought. While the volume of publications on the Spirit indicate that scholarly discussion about the Spirit is both creative and lively, it does sometimes appear to be diffused across the spectrum of contemporary theological thought. Nowhere does this scattering seem more...

spirit?” and “Where is spirit?” or, put another way, “How do we fit a third person, the Holy Spirit, into our understanding of the Godhead?” The two perennial questions of pneumatology, “What and where is the Holy Spirit?” are questions that biblical scholars and systematic theologians must address, but these questions should not exhaust the scope of pneumatology. In this paper we make no attempt to answer the what and where questions of spirit. Instead, we seek merely to highlight how the conclusions
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